Ноябрь 2015

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lesson planXurmatli hamkasblar. Toshkent viloyatining maktablaridan birida ishlayotgan do’stim va hamkasbim Marat Parsegov zaxmatlari tufayli yaratilgan Ingliz tili fanidan namunaviy dars ishlanmalar (konspektlar) to’plami bilan tanishing. Mazkur tuplam 6 sinflar uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib siz uchun faqat namuna sifatida ishlatishga taqdim etilmoqda.

Barcha choraklar uchun.

(Picture source: englishwell.biz)

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DSCF2315Last week I had a wonderful chance to visit Dustlik district in Jizzakh region. One of my colleagues Vaqqosov Sh. a teacher trainer managed to do an amazing show «The world of fairy tales» in his disctrict. Therefore, he invited me to enjoy from the show where the pupils from different schools showed us different fairy tales in English. Honestly, I have never thought that there are so many talented English learners in Dustlik.

I am very thankful to Vaqqosov Sh. who organized such an amazing show in his district.

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fly-highThis classbook is full of interesting and fun activities and exercises which will help you learn and practice English. At the back of the book  you can find a useful list of grammar points and vocabulary.

Authors: Lutfulla Jurayev, Mahprat Abdullayeva, Larisa Matskevich, Svetlana Khan and others.

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