Декабрь 2015

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Happy new year dears!

Azizlarim!new year

Sizlarni chin ko’nglimdan bir necha kundan keyin kirib kelayotgan Yangi yil bilan tabriklayman. Sizga bir nechta tilaklarim bor va shu tilaklarimni bildirishga ijozat berasiz. Sizga 2016 yilda sizga muvaffaqiyat va sog’lik tilayman. Ayniqsa o’qituvchilar uchun. Hech qachon charchamang va doim quvvatga ega bo’ling!

Dear friends!

Just after some days the New year will come to the whole earth. I have some wishes to express you by this message. As many of the visitors of my blog are teachers, I wish you success and health in our hard job. Don’t feel tired and always be energetic!

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DSCF2218Yaqinda Toshkent shahriga bir ish bilan bordim. Eski «Skver» da aylanib yurganimda rassomlarning rasm chizishiga qiziqib oldim. Lekin bir rassomni ko’rib juda ta’sirlanib ketdim. Sizga ushbu rassomning surati va boshqa rasmlarni taqdim qilmoqchiman. Menimcha shu rassomdan ko’p narsa o’rgansak bo’ladi.

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Xalq ta’limi tizimidagi Ingliz tili o’qituvchilariga bo’lib o’tayotgan Juma kungi kurslar nihoyasiga ham yetib qoldi. Quyida shu kurslarda qatnashga o’qituvchilarni bilimini sinash, attestatsiyadan o’tkazish bo’yicha yo’riqnoma.

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DSCF2232Some weeks ago I had a great opportunity to participate in ITEC day which was held in Miran international hotel in Tashkent.

I am very thankful to Indian embassy in Tashkent which helped me to participate in retraining course in India. Still remember those 3 months in Indian state Hyderabad. Those days are the best memories for me. Enjoy photos ;). 

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automobilesCars are the greatest danger to human life

The streets of our cities have changed in last ten years. They are full of different type of cars. The “mechanic horses” have become a problem as they are polluting the air and don’t let the people to take a breath of fresh air.

As I see it, cities would be less polluted if the cars were banned. The people are the creators and users of the cars. Exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of air pollution and as a result, our health is at risk as well as the environment.

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ziyonet2005 йилда Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг “Ўзбекистон Республикасининг жамоат таълим ахборот тармоғини ташкил этиш тўғрисида”ги ПҚ-191- сонли Қарори асосида ZiyoNET тармоғи ресурс маркази ва унинг Халқ таълими ҳамда Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазирликларидаги бўлинмалари ташкил этилган эди.

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