Aziz otalar. Farzand tarbiyasida oilada ota va onaning roli haqida saytimda keng yoritib borishga harakat qilaman. Maqsadim, maktabda bo’lib o’tadigan ota — onalar majlisiga faqat onalarni emas, balki otalarni ham jalb qilish. Bugungi maqolada farzand tarbiyasidagi otaning o’rni haqida keng tushuncha beriladi. Marhamat, o’qing, fikringizni bildiring va farzandingiz tarbiyasiga befarq bo’lmang. Read the rest of this entry »
You are currently browsing the monthly archive for Июль 2016.
Teachers from all over the world can take this part-time (two and half years duration), five semester Masters degree programme, which is studied entirely online. Developed and delivered collaboratively by the University of Southampton and the British Council, it offers postgraduate level study in key areas of current theory and practice in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching. Read the rest of this entry »