Сентябрь 2016

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my-lesson-plan-appLesson Plan for the 8th Grades

Date: 14.09.2016

Theme: Merry Christmas!

Skills to be developed: Reading, speaking, writing, listening

Class management: Plenary, Individual work, Group work, Pair work

Educational; Talking about Christmas activities; Listening for detailed and specific information; Reading for pleasure;

Developing; to compare Christmas celebrations in the UK and the USA with New Year celebrations in Uzbekistan using ‘and’ to join similar sentences and ‘but’ to join sentences with contrast;to practise listening and reading (homework) for detailed information;to practise word building: recognise, form and use noun+noun combina­tions;to learn a famous Christmas sonq (Jingle Rells);Socio-cultural: Learning about Christmas and New Year in the UK/US. Read the rest of this entry »

Bir necha kun ichida menga turli xil viloyatlardan iltimos tushayapti. Ko’plari boshlang’ich sinflar uchun Ingliz tili fanidan taqvim mavzu rejaga ehtiyoj sezayotganligini bildirishmoqda. Hamkasblarimga metodik yordam sifatida quyidagi 2- sinflar uchun tuzilgan taqvim mavzu rejani taqdim qilmoqchiman. Avvaldan ogohlantirib quyishim lozim. Mazkur rejani men tuzmaganman va uning tuzilishi to’g’ri yoki noto’g’riligiga javob bermayman. Rejani ko’rib chiqib, fikrlaringizni qoldirsangiz hursand bo’lardim. Read the rest of this entry »