Ingliz tili LP

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lesson planXurmatli hamkasblar. Toshkent viloyatining maktablaridan birida ishlayotgan do’stim va hamkasbim Marat Parsegov zaxmatlari tufayli yaratilgan Ingliz tili fanidan namunaviy dars ishlanmalar (konspektlar) to’plami bilan tanishing. Mazkur tuplam 6 sinflar uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib siz uchun faqat namuna sifatida ishlatishga taqdim etilmoqda.

Barcha choraklar uchun.

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lesson planXurmatli hamkasblar. Toshkent viloyatining maktablaridan birida ishlayotgan do’stim va hamkasbim Marat Parsegov zaxmatlari tufayli yaratilgan Ingliz tili fanidan namunaviy dars ishlanmalar (konspektlar) to’plami bilan tanishing. Mazkur tuplam 5 sinflar uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib siz uchun faqat namuna sifatida ishlatishga taqdim etilmoqda.

Barcha choraklar uchun.

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days of the weekYear: 2014

Teacher: Jurakulova Gulnoza

Trainer: Nasim Sadikov

Grade: 2

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Teacher: Sadikov N.

Aim of the game: to create friendly atmosphere between 5th grades of school, to help pupils to practice the words

Participants: 5th grades

Venue: A back yard of boarding – school “Umid”

Time: 10-15 minutes

Equipment & materials: A pictures of Island, ship, box of gold, words and a sign with “Island of friendship”

Vocabulary: Island, treasure, ship, gold, friendship, to imagine, priceless, valuable, sea

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 Great playwrights (8th grades)


  • To practice translating skills;
  • To practice reading for gist and for detail;
  • To practice listening for main ideas and for detailed information;
  • To learn about the famous most British playwright and the poet William Shakespeare and some of his plays.

Materials: class book, teacher’s book, cards, pictures, cassette-recorder.

Methods:individual work, group work, discussion, cluster.

Class: 8th grade.

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True or False?


adjectives-scenario-of-lesson-planЎйин мақсади:

–еr суффикси ёрдамида ясалувчи қиёсий сифатларнинг ясалишини болаларга таништириш ва машқ қилиш.

Ўйиннинг бориши:

Ўқитувчи олдиндан хато бўлган эътирофни айтади, масалан: The pig is as thin as the snake.

Ўқувчи 1: No, the pig isn’t as thin as the snake.

Ўқитувчи: It’s true. The pig isn’t as thin as the snake. The snake is thinner!

Сўнг ўқувчилардан ушбу гапни такрорлашни сўрайди. Ва шу тарзда бир неча бор. Сўнг болалар ўзлари қиёсий даражада келган сифатлар билан гаплар тузишади.

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A lesson plan for the 5th grades


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The Theme : At the zoo. Read the rest of this entry »

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