O’zim haqimda: Kamina 2013 yil Avgust – Sentabr oylarida ya’ni 3 oy davomida ITEC dasturi bo’yicha sinovlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o’tib Hindistonning Haydarobod shtatida “Communication in English, tourism and hospitality management” kursi bo’yicha malaka oshirib qaytdim. Mazkur kurs menda ajoyib taasurotlar qoldirib, dunyoning 33 mamlakatidan kelgan 100 dan oshiq nomzodlar bilan 3 oy davomida muloqotda bo’lishga muvaffaq bo’ldim. Mazkur kurs orqali dunyoqarashimni oshirib, Hindiston haqida tasavvurlarim haqiqatga aylandi.
You are currently browsing the archive for the Loyihalar category.
Dear kids and their parents. From today, I would like to present you a new English teaching video program. Hope, you will like all what you will watch.
The U.S. embassy in Tashkent is pleased to announce the launch of the “Learn English with Alumni” project. U.S. Exchange Alumni will conduct two different English language courses three times a week, each class lasting an hour and a half. The first program, “Language in Use,” will cater to people of any age learning English. The second program, “TOEFL Preparation Course,” will be taught for English learners above the intermediate proficiency level. The TOEFL preparation course also aims to help students applying to U.S. universities and colleges. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: alumni, english learning, english teaching, us embassy tashkent, us embassy uzbekistan
Microteaching lesson by Abdulmanova Albina (Video)
Group: A
Trainer: Sadikov Nasim
Date: 23.04.2015
Teacher: Abdulmanova Albina
(Picture source: www.microteaching.org)
In celebration of the role that teachers play at the heart of learning and the impact they have on students all around the world, this year we’re offering five deserving teachers a scholarship for a two week teacher training course at the NILE Institute.
Read the full competition details and download the application below to enter or nominate a fellow colleague in recognition of their achievements.
Tags: teaching english
Aim of the game: to create friendly atmosphere between 5th grades of school, to help pupils to practice the words
Participants: 5th grades
Venue: A back yard of boarding – school “Umid”
Time: 10-15 minutes
Equipment & materials: A pictures of Island, ship, box of gold, words and a sign with “Island of friendship”
Vocabulary: Island, treasure, ship, gold, friendship, to imagine, priceless, valuable, sea
Teacher: Sadikov N.
Aim of the game: to create friendly atmosphere between 5th grades of school, to help pupils to practice the words
Participants: 5th grades
Venue: A back yard of boarding – school “Umid”
Time: 10-15 minutes
Equipment & materials: A pictures of Island, ship, box of gold, words and a sign with “Island of friendship”
Vocabulary: Island, treasure, ship, gold, friendship, to imagine, priceless, valuable, sea
Tags: english month, month of english, my party, news, scenario