national anthem

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Lyrics by Аbdulla Oripov
Translation by Ibrahim Yuksel
Му country, sunny and free , salvation to your people,
You are а warmhearted companion to the friends
Flourish eternally with knowledge and inventions,
Mау your fame shine as long as the world exists!

These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of реорlе became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!

Belief of generous Uzbek does not die out,
Free, young children are а strong wing for you!
The torch of indереndеncе, guardian of реасе,
Just motherland be eternally prosperous!

These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of реорlе became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!


