You are currently browsing articles tagged Svetlana Khan.
Tags: ingliz tili, pq1875, Svetlana Khan
This classbook is full of interesting and fun activities and exercises which will help you learn and practice English. At the back of the book you can find a useful list of grammar points and vocabulary.
Authors: Lutfulla Jurayev, Mahprat Abdullayeva, Larisa Matskevich, Svetlana Khan and others.
Tags: english teacher, english teaching book, english textbook, fly high, fly high for the 7th form, Svetlana Khan
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the conference ELT REFORMS IN UZBEKISTAN — CONTENT-BASED LEARNING: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES, which was previously planned to be held in February 2015 is taking place on 2 May 2015.
Tags: Svetlana Khan, Tashkent Conference, UzSPIC